Using art to fullfil and complete the interior design makes it go from beautiful to magical. Artist Jacob Södergren has made these beautiful pieces for Nosh and Chow. The concept and interior design was created by Martin Karlsson and when Södergren was introduced to the project he asked for a visit and a briefing of the concept before starting his creative process. This allowed Södergren to get inspired by the place where the art will be displayed which made the result become both a part of the interior design and yet something that pops out of it. Seeing Jacob's work and the way it lifts up the rest of the environment tells you about his big interest in furniture design and modernism. Södergren translates inspiration and color combinations from the everyday life into something less tangible and each of his works vary in texture, tone, and shape. The multiple layers of paint build up into tangible, spontaneous compositions and flecks of metallic pigment are used to emphasize a natural value among the layers. The pieces balance careful attention to composition and pattern with a geological quality. Jacob Södergren is represented by Galleri Eklund and you can see more behind the scenes material on Södergren's Instagram. All photos are taken by Mathias Nordgren.